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Our Curriculum Philosophy

We understand that we are limited in what we can teach and train our students in their early stages of life. Also, what is learned in school is only a small part of what will be learned as agents of God's eternal plan. However, we believe what is first learned is of the utmost importance. Proverbs 22:6 says "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." (NIV) Therefore, what we teach and train our children to do in the early stages of life will undergird their thinking, their communication, and how they impact their world. Luke 10:27 says "You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind." (NIV) This verse effectively outlines the scope of the Christian School curriculum, which is to teach and train students to love God with all their being and with every resource he has given them.


Again, this Christian School cannot give a student all of the knowledge they will need to navigate life. There are lessons that each individual student must learn as they navigate life themselves. However, we can effectively lay a foundation that will undergird their Thinking, their Communication, and how they Serve and Lead others.


The Five Points of Christian Education is just one of many methods of administering a Christian education. It is largely based on the Classical approach of educating which is founded on the principle of producing independent and lifelong learners. The Five Points of Christian Education are meant to be taken as a whole. Therefore, every area is critical to the success of the model. One area is of no more importance than the other. However, the Biblical Worldview component is what gives this model life. It is the thread that binds the other four (4) components of this model.


A Brief Explanation of the Five Points of Christian Education


Biblical Worldview Development (to see the world through the eyes of Scripture)

Students will learn to:

Study the Word of God for wisdom and understanding

Serve their neighbor using their gifts and talents

Supplicate to ask for God's favor in administering His plan


Critical Thinking / Skill Development (to solve problems in the world through invention and leadership)

Students will learn to:

Investigate the world (past, present, future)

Infer using deductive and inductive reasoning

Employ relevant techniques and technology to aid the investigative process


Communicative Development (to articulate the Hope of the World)

Students will learn to:

Actively listen to the concerns of the world and clearly articulate the hope of the world.

Listen to the concerns of others

Articulate thoughts clearly and with relevance in a wide variety of forms and means (i.e. writing, mass communication, interpersonal skills, etc)

Use Fine Arts as a means of expression

Find their voice by finding their primary means of communication


Health Management (to enhance their overall ability to serve)

Students will learn to:

Maintain a proper diet based on their body type

Exercise to maintain strength, flexibility, and appropriate Body/Mass Index (BMI)

Pray and Meditate to maintain emotional stability


Resource Management (to be effective stewards of God's gifts for the advancement of His kingdom)

Students will learn to:

Manage their Time

Magnify their Talent

Multiply their Treasure

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